Associative economics
In the context of the Economy of the Common Good or under the so-called “alternative economics”, it is not only environmental protection and conservation of natural resources that is part of our self-imposed benchmark but of course also corporate social responsibility. Therefore, as a logical consequence, it is self-evident that we ensure and demand fair working conditions at every point in the supply chain.
Associative economics and responsibility towards suppliers
Associative Economics focuses on respect, solidarity and partnership along the supply chain. Relations between e.g. producer and buyer or salesperson and consumer, are not limited to bilateral negotiations only, as it is common in business or sales management or generally in our economic system. Associative Economics instead, brings together all partners involved in the supply or value chain for an open exchange - from the producer up to the consumer, the latter therewith becoming often a more responsible consumer due to increased awareness, participation and transparency.
Fair along the supply chain
Fair along the supply chain
The Oikopolis group and all its companies are committed to fair and cooperative collaboration along the supply chain - from the farmers’ field up to the consumers’ plate. Associative Economics brings stakeholders in the supply chain together in what is called “roundtable discussions” to exchange and create the best solutions for all.
Since the early 1990s, the above-mentioned “roundtables” take place in the Oikopolis network. Farmers, processors, traders and ideally representatives of customers sit together and exchange views on the quality and quantity of their products and their sales opportunities. Topics discussed include cultivation methods, production and weather conditions, and fair pricing. The goal is mutual understanding, respectful cooperation and fair partnerships.
And there is more: the label "fair&associative"
And there is more: the label "fair&associative"
All BIOG products are certified organic, but additionally almost 10% of the product range has also the label "fair&associative". This label confirms that the type of cooperation in the supply chain is according "Associative Economics". The fair & associative label can only be used if all conditions are met as described in the "Charter for Associative Economy".