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Chocolate Banana Porridge Website

Chocolate porridge with caramalised banana and hazelnuts

25 02 BIOG coleslaw recipe

Peanut coleslaw

Crêpes Website

Jam and cream filled crêpes

Vegan Bowl Website

Vegan Bowl with smoked tofu and cinnamon roasted carrots

Grillkäse Bowl Website

Vegetarian bowl with BIOG grill cheese and cinnamon roasted carrots

Vorspeise Weihnachten Website

Lamb’s Lettuce Salad with Mandarins and “Klenge Mëllen” Toast

Nachspeise Weihnachten Website

Speculoos Chocolate Mousse with Red Berries

Weihnachten Hauptspeise Vegan Rouladen Website

Vegan rosemary roulades in red wine sauce with red cabbage and spätzle

Nachspeise Vegan Weihnachten Website

Vegan Speculoos Mousse

Gericht Banner

Beef roulades in red wine sauce

Potato Leek Tart Website

Potato and leek tart with Stoffi dip

24 11 Cauliflower dal 1

Cauliflower Dal

Liz Pumpkin

Baked Pumpkin & Feta Pasta

24 09 BIOG fig energy balls 3

Fig energy balls

Apple Crumble Website

Classic Apple Crumble

Zucchini Rosen Website

Courgette Roses

BIOG Buckweed salad website

Buckwheat Salad

Sunrise Mocktail Website

Virgin Sunrise

Burger Website

Italian Burger with Green Pea & Chickpea Patty

Grillkäse Spieße Website

Grill Cheese Skewers

Potato Salad Website

Herby mediterranean potato salad

Spekulatius Himbeer Tiramisu Website

Raspberry Speculoos Tiramisu

Mushroom Pasta Website

Creamy mushroom pasta

Beetroot Gnocchi Website

Beetroot Gnocchi with Rocket Walnut Pesto

Raclette und Suppe

Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Roasted Carrot Soup

Nutroast Website 622x411

Vegetarian Nut Roast with Vegetable Gravy

Spekulatius Website

Winter Speculoos Cheesecake in a Jar

Hot Chocolate Website

Spiced Hot Chocolate

Kohlrouladen Facebook 9x7

Vegetarian Cabbage Rolls with Millet

Kürbis Quiche Website 622x411

Hokkaido Pumpkin & Sundried Tomato Quiche

BIOG Falafel Wraps Wesbite

Falafel Wraps

Matcha Milkshake Website 622x411


Caipi Foto Website

Alcohol-free Caipirinha with BIOG Ginger Ale

VK Tomaten Risotto WEBSITE

Risotto of brown rice with roasted tomatoes

Zucchini Salat WEBSITE

Mediterranean salad with grilled courgettes


Green asparagus with potatoes and tomatoes

IMG 7018

Dumplings with BIOG Stoffi - Kniddelen

IMG 6961

Red cabbage salad with carrots and apple

Crepes schokela banane

Crêpes with banana and BIOG chocolate spread


Quick apple cake with ingredients from BIOG

Kachen Rezept BIOG Fresche Keis

Mediterranean backed potatoes with BIOG Frësche Kéis


One pot spinach pasta with BIOG Frësche Kéis

Erdbeer Panna Cotta 4176

Strawberry panna cotta with BIOG ingredients

Spinatknödel Web Banner

Spinach dumplings - Strangolapreti - with ingredients from BIOG


Easter lamb cake with ingredients from BIOG

Cake 2

Hearty Pesto Cake with ingredients from BIOG


Crêpes with ingredients from BIOG

Karottenkuchen Naturata Web Banner

Carrot cake with ingredients from BIOG

Karotten Rote Bete Salat 2308

Warm carrot and beetroot salad

Bild Rote Bete Salat 1 2

BIOG betroot carpaccio, lamb's lettuce with caramelised pears and goat's cheese

151021 BAKHAUS2 034 copy 2

Organic stollen by Bakhaus with BIOG Stoffi

BIOG cafe glace

BIOG iced coffee