The conditions for membership of the Bio-Bauere-Genossenschaft Lëtzebuerg (BIOG) were last redefined in 2012. Any farmer or horticulturist being member of the "Vereenegung fir Bio-Landwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg asbl." can become a member. Non-farmers can only become members if they are active in one of the fields of work of the cooperative. However, their share in the number of members must not exceed 49 percent.
The request for membership must be submitted in a written form. The commitment to the goals defined in the statutes is assumed. This includes in particular the intention to sell all products, which are not marketed on the farm to private customers, on a cooperative basis and to engage in associative-cooperative behaviour as well as to participate regularly at events of the respective cooperative bodies. In general, cooperative members are expected to support the common idealistic cause of organic farming.